Featured blog
The main settings in the section are the ones listed here. The additional settings are listed below.
The rest of the options for the section are listed below.
Focus Card -- this option is active only on an odd number of articles per section. Checking the checkbox makes every 2nd article bigger. If it's unchecked, all articles will be the same size
Media -- you can change the aspect ratio of the images for desktop and mobile
Blog -- from here you can select the posts from which blog to show. If the section has any blocks added, they will overwrite the default articles coming from the blog
Limit to show articles -- choose how many articles to show. You can select up to 3 articles.
Show date -- enable/disable the date below the image
Show excerpt -- shows the small text if there's such set in the article
Show author -- shows the name of the author above the
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buttonArticle content alignment -- this setting defines the alignment of the text of the articles. You can choose between
Horizontal content alignment -- the alignment settings are applied to the heading and subheading of the section
If you want to manually choose which articles to be shown, you can do this by adding blocks to the section:
The blocks have 2 options:
Article -- you can choose the article from the list of articles
Featured image -- use this option to overwrite the default article featured image
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