Featured products

The main settings in the section are the ones listed here. The additional settings are listed below.


  • Focus card -- if enabled, this will make the cards layout a bit more catchy. Every even card will become square. Please keep in mind that this option works only when even number of cards are visible. One more thing to mention is that this approach is suitable for images with more spacing on top and bottom, as it crops part of the product images.

  • Product limit -- with this option, you can limit the number of products which will be included in the slider.

  • Collection -- you can select which collection the products to be taken from.

  • Products -- you can manually select which products to be shown. One thing to mention is that due to a Shopify limitation, this approach can show up to 20 products per page, so we strongly suggest using the Collection field from above.

Text content

  • Horizontal content alignment -- You have the option to change the alignment of the headings (and the slider arrows respectively). They can be positioned left, center or right.

  • Subheading -- manage the subheading text

  • Heading -- manage the heading text


The button settings can be seen here.

There's one extra setting for the button position. It can be positioned to the left, right or center.


The slideshow has the following settings:

  • Enable arrows -- a checkbox to enable/disable the arrows of the slider

  • Autoplay -- a checkbox to enable/disable the autoplay of the slider

  • Slideshow interval -- controls the speed of the autoplay in seconds

  • Products count desktop -- control the number of items visible on desktop

  • Products count tablet -- control the number of items visible on tablet

  • Products count mobile -- control the number of items visible on mobile

Last updated