Featured collections
Last updated
Last updated
Use this section to show your top collections.
Every collection is set as separate block (max of 5 blocks).
The main settings in the section are the ones listed here. The additional settings are listed below.
You can set different aspect ratios of the images for desktop and mobile.
Keep in mind that if an image with another aspect ratio is uploaded, it will get cropped. More details can be found in the Focal Points page.
You can manage the alignment of the section title and subtitle from the Header content alignment
The alignment of the text below the images is managed from Collections content alignment
Every collection is added from a separate block of the section.
Every block has options for:
Collection - from here you can select the collection to show. Based on this collection, the title and the links are populated. They can be overwritten down in the block settings.
Image - if you don't want to use the default collection featured image, you can overwrite it from here.
Heading - used for overwriting the default collection title
Body text - the text shown below the collection title
Link - can overwrite the default collection link