
The main settings in the section are the ones listed here. The additional settings are listed below.

Section settings

  • Font size - Desktop -- set the size of the font for desktop (from 14px to 54px)

  • Font size - Mobile -- set the size of the font for desktop (from 14px to 32px)

  • Inner spacing -- sets the spacing inside the section (the space from the text to the edges of the section). There are 4 predefined options to choose from.

  • Speed -- set the speed of the scrolling effect, or stop it by choosing None

  • Pause on hover -- if this is checked, once the customer's mouse is inside the section, the scrolling efect will pause


Every text inside the marquee is managed as a separate section block.

You can add as many blocks as needed.

For every block you can set:

  • Text color -- set the color of the text (need to have the Overwrite colors checked)

  • Text -- the text of the message

  • Image -- you have the option to upload an image which will show before the text itself. It can be used for adding a nice icon describing the text

  • Link -- the text can be clickable and lead to a specific URL

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