Image gallery
The main purpose of this section is providing the merchants the ability to easily list images in a single gallery with different options for layout, image ratios, etc.
The main settings in the section are the ones listed here with some additional ones listed below.
Images heigh - defining the images ratio
Full width - checkbox defining the width of the section
Side margins - checkbox enabling spacing on the screen sides
Items per row/slide - Desktop
Items per row/slide - Mobile
Slider settings
Enable slider - turning on the slider functionality
Enable slider arrows - show/hide arrows over the main slider
Enable slider thumbs - will show a list of small thumbs beneath the slider for easy navigation through the main slider
Enable slider paging - adding a pagination actions below the main slider
Enable zoom - clicking an image will show the image in a zoom-able popup
Section blocks
Each image is added as a separate block where the image is mandatory field. The additional URL field can be set in case you need to link the image to a separate page or external site.
Usage examples
Here are some usage examples:
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