
The main settings in the section are the ones listed here. The additional settings are listed below.

Text color

Ability to change the default color to a different color.

Marquee text

This is the text that is scrolling within the section.


You can pick between 3 positions: top, middle and bottom. This will be used in case you use the layout with the images and will put the text respectively at the top, in the middle or at the bottom of the images.

Scroll speed

Here you can pick the scrolling speed. The higher value you pick - the higher speed of the scrolling you'll get.

Image grid

The options are:

  • to add or remove gap between the images

  • images aspect ratio -- square or portrait


Images can be added to the marquee to achieve a more appealing look. The images can be added through the blocks here:

Every image has options for:

  • image

  • link of the image

  • options to hide it on tablet and mobile

Here is an example with images:

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